Frequently Asked Questions
What do I get?
Overnight accommodation for the three nights of the event, including hot food when you arrive, breakfast when you depart and some food to take along. Food will be fresh and local. Volunteers will valet your bike, see that the mechanic on-site tunes it to your specification and get you in and out of your room. Finishers get a Mason Dixon 1200 medal. Early in the evening of June 12 we will begin a festive dinner at the finish and keep the fun going until the last rider is cared for. There is also an event jersey for purchase.
What are the services on the road?
Commercial services on the route are good and our detailed cue sheet points out where they are. We will set up one re-supply site on Day 1 and the route will be covered by event vehicles carrying extra supplies. We will sag out any abandoning riders.
Can you handle dietary restrictions at the overnights?
Riders will report food allergies and restrictions on their entry form. We will do our best to accommodate every rider’s needs, but we need advance notice.
What are my best travel options?
The start/finish in Leesburg, VA is accessible from three major airports: Dulles International (15 miles), Reagan Washington National (40 miles), and Baltimore Washington International (70 miles). Our start finish hotel, Best Western Leesburg Hotel & Conference Center, 703.777.9400, advertises an airport shuttle to Dulles, but that is currently not provided because of COVID. There are no rail links to Leesburg, but there is limited bus service from DC.
Where do I stay?
Overnight accommodations are included in the ride in Staunton, VA, Shippensburg, PA and Columbia, PA. There is a block of rooms reserved at the Best Western Leesburg Hotel & Conference Center, 703.777.9400, for before (June 8) and after the Mason Dixon (June 12). You can tap into those blocks by calling the Best Western and asking to book in the “Mason-Dixon 1200” block. There are numerous other hotels in and around Leesburg and in DC.
What do I do with my bike box or luggage during the ride?
There are arrangements to leave boxes and luggage in Leesburg at the Best Western during the ride.
What is the drop bag service?
Each rider can have one drop bag, which we will transport to each overnight and to the finish. The bag must weigh less than 25 pounds/11.5 kgs.
Who will share my hotel room at overnights?
Rooms are double-occupancy. We encourage riders to select their own roommate. We are trying to get single occupancy for interested riders, with an upcharge.
What if I DNF?
We will transport you back to Leesburg. Please be patient, it may take some time for us to arrange that transport.
What about COVID?
Every rider and every volunteer must show proof that they are fully vaccinated and have all the boosters recommended by the CDC or your country of origin as of May 19, 2022 (three weeks before the ride start). All participants must comply with all local regulations concerning masks, social distancing, and any other COVID precaution.
What are the ride qualifications?
This is not a tour and we want everyone to be confident about completing this challenge. Qualification requirements are either a 1000k or longer randonnee in 2021, an ACP SR Series in 2022, or the exercise of the organizer’s discretion, which must be expressly obtained by email.
When is ride check-in and bike inspection?
Hours have not been set yet, but you can check-in in the afternoon or evening on June 8 or before the ride start on June 9.
Is there a 1000k option?
Yes. 1000k riders will be sagged from the Day 3 overnight hotel on Day 4. There may also be a 200k option for the 1000k rider to get back to Leesburg.
What else makes the Mason Dixon 1200 special?
The Mason Dixon 1200k travels country roads through places where US Civil War factories hummed, crops grew, slaves reached freedom and critical battles raged. The route includes the Blue Ridge and South mountains, Shenandoah Valley, the iconic Antietam and Gettysburg battlefields and Pennsylvania Dutch Country, all in the Mason Dixon region that functionally separated Union and Confederate territories. Our website will be full of information about the Civil War history of this land, prominently including social history like the Underground Railroad.