Day 3
Shippensburg to Columbia
168 Miles ~8,800 Feet

South Moutain Starts the Day
Eat a good breakfast, 8 miles of climbing starts 1 mile from the overnight!
Breakfast items from Maplewood Farm Market will be cooked fresh by our volunteers.
- Eggs and Pancakes, maple syrup
- Fruit with seasonal local berries
- Juice and Coffee
At a steady 3.5% grade, south mountain is more “west coast” than “east coast”. 20% of Day 3 climbing is done in less than 10 miles.
Local Food Not to be Missed
- Ragged Edge Coffee and two brew pubs, Gettysburg.
- Hog Wild BBQ and Rocco’s Pizza, East Berlin.
- Coffee and Cream, Columbia.
- Several local restaurants, Marietta.
- Final services of the day in Akron.
Gettysburg Battlefields
- Riders approach the Gettysburg National Battlefield from the northwest, as the first Confederate troops did.
- Two miles of riding in the battlefield leads into town, and then 7 miles go through the main
battlefield. - The route provides the perspectives of both the Union and Confederacy as we ride along the two main battle lines.
- 44 miles after leaving Gettysburg, the route crosses the mighty Susquehanna River into Pennsylvania Dutch Country.
Columbia Ends the Day
- Mezzogiorno provides vegetable or meat lasagna, antipasti, salad and homemade bread.
- Soft drinks, wine and beer, like every night.
- Local shoofly pie from Gracie’s Amazing finishes the meal.
One more day to go!
History on this day …
- The trek through the Gettysburg battlefield exposes you to more than 100 statues and monuments, including the most dramatic ones on the National Battlefield. These monuments were funded by the families, communities, and states of the battle units.
President Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address at the dedication ceremony for the Gettysburg National Cemetery to honor the fallen. About 8,000 soldiers died in the 3 days of battle.